New Re-celled Replacement Battery for Philips FRx/OnSite/HS1 AED M5070A

AED Battery Exchange
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AED Battery Exchange Re-celled Replacement Battery for the the Philips FRx or the Philips OnSite AED. This is a re-celled M5070A battery.

This battery uses OEM parts and provides the same performance as the original M5070A Philips battery and is an economical alternative to Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), non-rechargeable, AED batteries without sacrificing performance, life, FDA approval, warranty, or indemnification.

This replacement battery is is indicated for use with the Philips HeartStart OnSite/Home, models M5066A, M5068A, and the FRx, model 861304

4 Year Warranty

The manufacturer, AED Battery Exchange (ABE). provides a 4 year warranty against material and workmanship defects. ABE only uses cells by the same manufacturers as the OEM's in order to provide equivalent life. ABE does not warranty against environmental or AED conditions that result in AED writing error codes to the battery that are not indicative of the true health of the battery.

Approved by the FDA

AED Battery Exchange re-celled packs utilize OEM components including lithium cells that match those used by the OEM. By using the same cells as those used by the OEM the re-celled packs provide the same performance and life as that of the OEM. The FDA has granted the AED Battery Exchange approval to re-cell OEM packs based on our commitment to supply only these OEM cells. AED batteries are classified as Class III devices by the FDA and therefore AED batteries cannot be re-celled without FDA approval.

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Chemistry: Lithium Magnanese Dioxide (LiMnO2)
Nominal Voltage: 12 VDC
Amp-Hour Capacity: 4.7 A-Hr
Watt Hour Capacity: 56.4 W-Hr
Estimated Shelf Life: 5 years
Warranty: 4 years against material and workmanship defects
Operation and Standby Temperature: 0° to 50° C (32° to +122° F)
Weight: 0.65 lbs
Total Lithium content: <7g, for MSDS see Panasonic product CR123A
Non-Rechargeable: Do not attempt to recharge
User Responsibility: User must assure contacts remain free of contamination

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